Two Times Nobeoka

Ahner Eikaiwa Notes Students

of the Lotus Sutra. Even a single phrase or passage will assure one's Enlightenment;
World Wide Memories
Meisui Totoro or Taima
Meisui Bay
Dam Okita
Tankidai Nobeoka
Sugarcane From Okinawa
A and A was Urbanized
No Blondes, Just Bronze
Houzai Has a Kinder Garden
Houzai Port
Keiko Paints Ahner
Keiko Attracts Ahner
Portraits of Keiko Ahner
Ahner Eikaiwa Notes Students
Farming in Black
This Bridge Was Recently Deleted
An Extinct Bridge
Cherries Over Seiun Bridge
Near Seiun Bridge
Approaching Toneru No Eki
Toneru No Eki Artificial Waterfall
Keiko Ahner Stands By Her Falls
I'm her number one fan.
It was quite a trek from Nobeoka to Toneru No Eki on a 50 cc Honda scooter
Mia last performed taiko at Toneru No Eki
All eyes and ears where on the taiko performers at Toneu No Eki
Toneru No Eki Waterfall
Waterfalls Put on Quite a Performance
An Outdated Train, A Sign Covered with Moss, and...
Roads Less Traveled On
Looking Down There Doesn't Make Me Dizzy
It's Windy Up Here!
Water Falls Over a Cliff Even If We Don't Notice
The people in this area are very happy to greet foreigners.
Such a Cute Reststop
Hinokage. Yatou!
Yokosou! Nobeoka!
He Flipped Out
Free Garden Space in Nobeoka
Someone cleaned off this wall recently.
This wall painting didn't last long. Perhaps no one remembers it.
Nobeoka had a famous pilot.
Goto Yuukichi Flew
The Poet in Nobeoka
Kyu Ichi Men
Einstein Ahner's Roots
Class Notes - January 11 - 2004
English Contact in Nobeoka
Live English in Nobeoka


Mr. Taniguchi talked about the Youmeimon.  I didn't get where the famous gate is located, but the gate came up when we were talking about Sakaiisan.  Sakaiisan is a series of pamphlets concerning the heritage of different countries.  Isan means heritage. (Question: Is Sakaiisan, Shakai Isan?)

I mentioned that I had purchased some Shochu at Tunnel Station, (Tonneru No Eki) in Takachiho.  The  Shochu was made from strawberries and honey.  It changes colors from strawberry to purple when water is added.  I began my love of Shochu at Tonneru No Eki.

Keiko mentioned Yanagawa, Fukuoka.  A few years back, we took a ride in a gondola in Yanagawa. We had some rice crackers and we enjoyed the view.  I remember quickly pulling my hand out of the water when the gondola driver warned me of the condition of the water.

I told the "gum" joke:  One day, I walked up to some pretty girls and asked them if they would like some gum.  They all said, "Yes!"  So, I pointed to my gums.
(There is chewing gum, and there is the gums that surround our teeth.)

A hangover in Japanese is, Futsukayoi.
Apparently, because Shochu is distilled and not fermented, there are less impurities.  So, Shochu gives less of a hangover than say, wine or beer.

I can't remember why the Japanese word, Kawarimono, came up.  Kawarimono means "odd fellow." I searched the word on the internet and came up with some pictures of Japanese carp, Koi.  I assume that  it might be rude to call a person, Kawarimono, but I am not sure at present. For Americans, I don't think it is rude to call another an odd fellow, usually.

One can walk to the Miyajima gate during low tide.  And, the deer come down the mountains and greet the visitors. 

Is this sport among the Sakaiisan or Shakai Isan?

We agreed that courtesy is reigi.  Reigi is the Japanese word for courtesy.  Americans have different ways of expressing courtesy, as do the Japanese.  Americans will put it into words and add a little smile.  Japanese use bowing and body language.  It's difficult for Americans to understand bowing.  They never want to bow to a king.  A handshake will do.  Also, from my point of view, it seems difficult for Japanese to understand why a foreigner is bowing to them.  Perhaps it is because there are many meanings to bowing in Japan.  And, the Japanese are not sure what the foreigner means when he or she bows, expecially when the foreigner is smiling when he does it.

Howard Ahner
Tel: 0982-34-5666
English Teacher

Asahi Bowl

La Quinta High School

